Scam Alert: Kindly be informed that SAFCU will not call you from our direct line 714-834-1341 to verify information on your
debit card or credit card, nor on your online banking sign in information. Please do not give any information over the phone if you receive such a call.
Feel free to hang up and call us direct during business hours M - F 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, thank you. Your security is our priority.
Mobile Banking
Mobile Banking
SAFCU's Mobile Banking allows you access to your credit union accounts, 24 hours a day, from any smartphone, iPad or tablet, without stepping foot into the branch. Sure we're going to miss seeing you in person, but we know you're busy and SAFCU's Mobile Banking is the easiest, quickest way to handle your finances. With SAFCU's Mobile Banking, we've taken the best of SAFCU account services and delivered it to your smartphone, iPad or tablet.
24/7 secure online access – Manage your money from anywhere you have internet access
Bill Pay – Make payments to nearly anyone, anytime¹
Member-to-Member – Transfer money to another SAFCU Member's account.
Find an ATM/Branch
QwikSnap (Deposit checks remotely)²
Apply for a Loan
Mobile Check Deposit
Supported Devices:
Apple – The App Store:
Operating System iOS 7 or higher
iPhone 6S or Higher
iPads 3, 4 and Mini
Android – Google Play:
Smartphones with Android 4 Operating System or Higher
Android Tablets
No “Small Screen” support (i.e., all but “QVGA” 240w X 320h are supported)
Call one of our friendly call center representatives at (800) 541-2546 or drop by the branch and we will assist you with any questions you may have regarding Mobile Deposit.
QwikSnap - Mobile Check Deposit
SAFCU's Mobile Banking allows you to remotely deposit checks to your credit union accounts, 24 hours a day, from any smartphone, iPad or tablet via our QwikSnap² feature.
Call one of our friendly Call Center Representatives at (800) 541-2546 or drop by the branch and we will assist you with any questions you may have regarding QwikSnap² Mobile Check Deposit.
Download The SAFCU App Today!
¹Some Bill Pay services on Mobile Banking may be limited or available only via NSHome
² Enrollment and Approval Required