Scam Alert: Kindly be informed that SAFCU will not call you from our direct line 714-834-1341 to verify information on your
debit card or credit card, nor on your online banking sign in information. Please do not give any information over the phone if you receive such a call.
Feel free to hang up and call us direct during business hours M - F 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, thank you. Your security is our priority.
Online Banking
24/7 Access with Online Banking
We make it easy to spend more time enjoying life and less time managing your money. With our NSHome online banking program, managing your finances has never been easier. Sign up, log on, and enjoy these features:
General Account Access
Obtain current balances on savings and loans
View a list of all open savings or loans
View current credit card balances
View current mortgage loan balances
View specific savings or loan history
Transfer funds between accounts
View IRA contributions
View dividend information
View interest information
Use free Bill Pay
Checking Access
View current balances on all checking accounts
Inquire by check number
View list of recently cleared checks
View images of cleared checks
Loans & Credit Card Access
Check current loan and credit card balances
Make loan and credit card payments
Transfer to make loan payments
Transfer to make loan advances
View all open loans
View recent loan payments
Receive a loan payoff amount
Apply for a loan or credit card
Bill Pay
Tired of writing checks, buying stamps, sealing envelopes, and hurrying every month to avoid late payment fees? We have just the solution, Online Bill Pay! It's a service that lets you pay nearly any company or individual, anytime for rent, mortgage, utilities, cell phone, gardener, or even your babysitter.
Bill Pay Features
Service offered through NSHome
Available anywhere you have internet access
Unlimited bill paying
Schedule one-time or recurring payment(s)
Track and view your payment history
Pay nearly any business or individual
No stamps, no mailing, no problem
Pay your bills | Not enrolled? Sign up today!
e-Statements is a service that lets you receive and view your credit union account statements online. Say goodbye to stacks of statement envelopes. Receiving your statements electronically is the easy, safe and secure way to manage your SAFCU account. No more waiting for the mail to arrive and no more paper to shred.
e-Statements Features:
It's a service offered through SAFCU@Home
Usually available on the first business day of the month
View statement history
Less paper means it's good for the environment
Helps you cut clutter
Reduces the chance of your statement getting lost or stolen
You'll receive instant notification when your statement is ready
Not enrolled. Sign up today!
Need a quick and easy way to transfer money to another SAFCU Member? Member-to-Member lets you send or receive money with just a few clicks. Whether it's to send money to a child away at college, transfer funds to your spouse, or to simply pay back a friend who banks with SAFCU, Member-to-Member lets you do it fast using NSHome.
Why use Member-to-Member?
It's a service offered through NSHome
Easily send money to other SAFCU Members
No need to meet in person or mail a check
Your account information stays private
Not enrolled? For assistance, call 714.834.1341 and dial extension 0 to speak to a live person.