Scam Alert: Kindly be informed that SAFCU will not call you from our direct line 714-834-1341 to verify information on your
debit card or credit card, nor on your online banking sign in information. Please do not give any information over the phone if you receive such a call.
Feel free to hang up and call us direct during business hours M - F 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, thank you. Your security is our priority.
Relationship Rewards
Score big with SAFCU’s Relationship Rewards!
No need to sign up - you earn points towards your benefits package on all of your combined account balances in loans, deposits, electronic services and length of Membership. The more you use our services, the more points you earn and the better we can meet your financial needs. Enjoy free services, discounted loan rates and fees waived. Whether you are a saver or a spender you can score big with SAFCU’s Relationship Rewards. And if you have been with SAFCU for 40+ years you are already a “Loyalty Plus” Member*.
Check out our Score Card below and calculate your current relationship points by simply adding the points for every loyalty relationship you have with SAFCU.
Features and Benefits
Loyalty Membership Terms and Conditions: Loyalty Membership is available to all Santa Ana Federal Credit Union Members age 18 and over. You must be a Member in good standing with the Credit Union and keep at least $5.00 in your Regular Share Account to be eligible. Members who have been disqualified from Loyalty Membership are not eligible for the 40+ Year Relationship. Accounts are reviewed regularly to determine continued eligibility for Loyalty Membership. Loyalty Membership is good for a month and is reviewed at that time to ascertain continued eligibility. Loyalty Membership benefits will be reviewed on a monthly basis. We reserve the right to modify the terms and conditions of Loyalty Membership at any time. Certain terms and restrictions apply. Loyalty Membership is achieved for individual accounts. Members with multiple accounts must achieve Loyalty Membership for each account. SAFCU ATM Fee Waivers only apply to fees assessed by SAFCU; you may still be charged fees by the terminal owner.
Bonus on Checking Accounts: The bonus is available for Loyalty Plus Members. Eligibility for the bonus continues as long as Loyalty Plus Membership is maintained, based on monthly evaluation. The bonus is applied to the Annual Percentage Yield (APY) beginning the first of the month after you achieve Loyalty Plus Membership.
Bonus for New and Renewing Certificates: Existing Members: Eligibility for the bonus is based on Loyalty Membership level. For Members who opened a new Certificate prior to October 1, 2017, eligibility and amount of the bonus does not apply. Certificates opened/renewed October 1, 2017 and after, eligibility and amount of the bonus is based on their Loyalty Membership level at the time of the Certificate opening/renewal.
Rate Discounts on Vehicle Loans: The Loyalty Plus Membership Annual Percentage Rate (APR) Discount will apply at the time of loan origination for new loans. The Loyalty Plus Membership discount does not apply to Members who are currently disqualified from Loyalty Membership.
Closing Cost Discount: Eligibility for closing cost discount is based on Loyalty Membership level at time of loan origination plus the relationships that the Member would achieve with the new loan. This discount is valid when a Member refinances a mortgage loan from another lender to SAFCU. It is not valid for refinances on an existing SAFCU mortgage. Contributions toward borrower’s closing costs from third parties including lender credit cannot exceed maximum limits established by the loan program for which the borrower qualifies.
This Credit Union is federally insured by the National Credit Union Administration.
Points may not be combined between accounts. Not to go below SAFCU floor rate and does not apply to real estate, credit cards, and personal lines of credit. Applies only to new purchases and refinances from another Lender. APR=Annual Percentage Rate. APY=Annual Percentage Yield.
*Does not include Rush.
**Does not include subpoena requests for check copies.
***Not to include Real Estate Notary (Real Estate Notary fees $10 each).
Surcharge from other financial institutions may apply.
Dividends are subject to change daily.
Rates are subject to change daily.