Scam Alert: Kindly be informed that SAFCU will not call you from our direct line 714-834-1341 to verify information on your
debit card or credit card, nor on your online banking sign in information. Please do not give any information over the phone if you receive such a call.
Feel free to hang up and call us direct during business hours M - F 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, thank you. Your security is our priority.
Celebrate Our 75th Year!
Current Monthly Promos:
Auto Loans
Since opening our doors in February 1950, SAFCU has been helping Members hit the road with confidence. To celebrate our 75th anniversary, we're offering rates as low as 3.99% with a 0.75% APR rate discount on Auto Loans originated in February 2025. Save on new or pre-owned purchases, refinancing, or lease buyouts.*
We do offer auto & motorcycle loans to Members with ITINs! Click here to learn more.
Personal Loans
SAFCU first opened in February 1950. So, to celebrate our 75th anniversary, we're offering a 0.75% APR rate discount on Personal Loans originated in February 2025.**
Use the funds however you need—start a project, plan an adventure, or consolidate debt.
*APR = Annual Percentage Rate. The floor rate for this promotion is 3.99% APR. Rate determined by creditworthiness, collateral requirements, and Relationship Pricing. Offer valid for auto loans originated between February 1 and February 28, 2025. Not all Members will qualify. Subject to credit approval. Used vehicle model years not to exceed 10 years old or 150,000 miles. Good for up to the first $1,000,000 in loans. Santa Ana Federal Credit Union reserves the right to rescind this offer at any time, See credit union for details. This credit union is federally insured by the National Credit Union Administration
**APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Rate determined by creditworthiness and Relationship Pricing. The floor rate for this promotion is 9.25% APR. Offer valid for personal loans originated between February 1 and February 28, 2025. Not all Members will quality. Good for up to the first $1,000,000 in loans. Santa Ana Federal Credit Union reserves the right to modify or rescind this offer at any time. See credit union for details. This credit union is federally insured by the National Credit Union Administration.